Shawn Berry's GMAT Preparation

Learn 1-1 from the world's foremost GMAT expert

Shawn Berry


My name is Shawn Berry, I've twice earned a perfect 800 on the GMAT-CAT, and I can help you cut your GMAT errors in half so that you can score 650, 700, or 750 -- typically 50 to 200 points higher than you can with any other GMAT preparation.

For example, my client Josh first went to Kaplan for GMAT prep, but he only scored 540.  Then Josh took my 1-1 GMAT preparation.  In two months, I helped Josh score 710, which helped him gain admission to Stanford GSB.  Josh told me that my GMAT preparation made the entire 170 point difference.

I've helped most of my 60 GMAT clients score over 700, with my average client improving 120 points. I’ve had a dozen clients tell me that I was their “best math teacher”, “best English teacher”, or “best teacher ever”.

With my GMAT prep, my clients have matriculated at these Top 15 MBA programs: Stanford (7), Wharton (6), Harvard (5), Kellogg (3), Duke (3), UC Berkeley (2), UCLA (2), MIT (2), Michigan (2), Virginia (2), Cornell (2), Chicago (1), Columbia (1), and INSEAD (1).

I want you to succeed likewise. But first a warning: a Top 15 MBA is not for the lazy or non-strategic.  Throughout this website, I demonstrate that earning your personal-best GMAT score dramatically improves your likelihood of being accepted to a Top 15 MBA program. Then I will substantiate that I am the only person fully-qualified to help you earn your personal-best GMAT score.

So let's get started with how the Top 15 MBA programs prepare their graduates to increase their career earnings by $1,000,000 to $10,000,000.