In the previous pages, we determined that you maximize your career earnings by earning a Top 15 MBA, that the biggest obstacle to a Top 15 MBA is simply being admitted, that the most demanding admissions criterion is the GMAT, and that a 700+ GMAT score is typically expected.
To maximize your career earnings, you need to cut your GMAT errors in half and score 650, 700, or 750.
To cut your GMAT errors in half, you should ask me, Shawn Berry, to teach you the GMAT because: (1) I know the GMAT better than anyone else, (2) I teach the GMAT better than anyone else, and (3) I've devised the best GMAT preparation system.
First, I am the only person (of 2,000,000 people who have taken the GMAT-CAT) to have twice scored a perfect 800. I'm so damn good at the GMAT that the GMAC barred me from taking the GMAT for 5 years.
Second, I am the only GMAT teacher who can show you how to answer any GMAT question in 1 minute (Monkey-See) so that you have twice as much time to answer it (Monkey-Do). My ‘1-1 Monkey-See, Monkey-Do’ forces you to participate and that's the best way to learn. Charts 6. Chart 7.
Third, I have the best GMAT preparation system: Test-Perfect-Review®. First, I give you a real GMAT test that you take under real GMAT conditions. Then we meet 1-1 in class and perfect every question that you miss, guess at, or spend too much time on. Then, I have you review and assimilate what we did in class by challenging you with similar but different questions. We follow this Test-Perfect-Review® iteration cycle 15 times until you have seen practically every version of every GMAT question. Chart 8.
In contrast, the competition is half-qualified. Even at regular speed (2 minutes), the competition misses 10% of GMAT questions. But you will never move as fast as a teacher who has seen 100 times more GMAT material than you ever will. What really matters is how well your teacher performs at double speed (1 minute per question) because only then are you being provided the requisite time (2 minutes) so that you can perform your solution. The ugly truth is that at double speed the competition will miss 20—40% of questions — and with that teacher, so will you.
In sum, there is no substitute for my world-class GMAT knowledge, my ‘1-1 Monkey-See, Monkey-Do’ teaching style, and my Test-Perfect-Review system with real GMAT tests.